In the past few weeks I’ve been thinking a lot about the courage it takes to step out, take risks, and put ourselves out there. Even though I know how important this is for growth, in business, and for life – I still find it tricky, scary, and challenging at times.
I also realize it’s one thing to talk about putting myself out there and another thing to actually do it. With the launch of my new website and the announcement I made last week about my forthcoming book, Bring Your Whole Self to Work, being available for pre-order, I’ve been feeling both excited and scared.

How are you currently feeling about taking risks and putting yourself out there? What things do you do to move through your fear or resistance? What support do you need? Feel free to share your thoughts, ideas, comments, and questions below in the comments section below.
Hi Mike, thanks for this podcast today. I have just accepted a new position at the University of Texas at Arlington. I have taken other new jobs before, but this one was feeling particularly unsettling and albeit a bit scary. Just as you described, butterflies, a bit of self doubt…as this is a new role I have not had before. I consider myself to be quite brave and a risk taker, but am realizing that I do so with calculating control of success. This job is a stretch and there are many unknowns. Thanks for your timely wisdom and reminder that only though being vulnerable will I continue to grow. Appreciate your continuing thoughts and hearing from you. It makes a difference in my life.
You are welcome! Good luck with the new job…be kind to yourself during the transition…it can be exciting, but also scary and uncomfortable.
Hello Mike,
I googled, what is stepping outside the box?
Your page came up.
All of my adult life I have struggled to be somebody.
I was in the employ of others from the age of 16 years old, until the age of 32.
I am a Licensed Professional Hairstylist/Real Estate Agent/Entrepreneur/College Graduate with two Associate of Science Degrees.
When the economy fell in 2008 I loss over half of my Beauty Shop business, and all of my Real Estate business.
I am trying to keep the beauty shop open until I can find full time employment.
Yes, All of the things you speak about are true, but I do not have an Uncle Steve.
Best Wishe’s to you.